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21 JUL 2023

Course progression is on track. Despite the large amount of water received, this week's light rains have helped us to maintain and keep the courses in good condition.

As mentioned in last week's bulletin, the grub treatment was applied. The presence of skunks and crows will be less noticeable, giving our turf a chance to regain its strength. 

Grubs feed on the roots of the turf, which weakens it considerably, so the damage is not always visible on the surface. What's more, you don't have to rip out pieces of turf to signal the presence of these insects.

The turf crew at La Bête have begun cutting back trees and branches, which will help to make the fairways and greens clearly visible. Over the next few days, they will continue to address problem areas. The same operation will be carried out on the Le Maître course in the coming days and weeks.

In addition, the Le Maître project team cut back the vegetation in our basins at the waterfall. A job that seemed simple but was more difficult and demanding than expected. I congratulate the whole team on this task, which will give a new look to the waterfall near the clubhouse. Sometimes, mother nature must be guided to get the best out of certain areas.  She will work hard to retake her place, it's important to manage her well, with the utmost respect.

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Vertical mowing began this week in the fairways and will conclude on the tees. Removing the felt build-up on our surfaces and adding topdress will greatly help the quality of the turf. Reducing felt helps water infiltration, disease, and insect control. It makes for firmer, healthier surfaces.

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Respecting the instructions for golf carts in the fairways after the rain

Thanks to all our members! We were able to avoid a lot of damage by staying on the path or crossing at 90 degrees. These small considerations go a long way in helping us maintain our fairways.

Upcoming maintenance

- Topdress on greens (Maître/Bête)

- Greens venting operation (Maitre/Bête)

- Fertilization of bentgrass surfaces


Marc-André Doré

Turf Superintendant