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22 SEP 2023

The objectives we set ourselves this week were achieved with flying colors. The start of the aeration was completed as planned at both Le Maitre and La Bête. The tee deck on hole N012 already gives a good idea of what our advanced tee will look like. It's a nice addition that's been requested for many years. We'll be continuing with a number of small improvements over the course of the fall. At least, until Mother Nature allows us to.

départ_12.jpg (4032×3024)

It's worth noting that the grass tee at the driving range has been closed for the rest of the season to give it a much-needed break. It's been under a lot of strain this year and giving it the right cultural practices will be a win-win situation. You can continue to practice and warm up on the synthetic mats. We'll take advantage of the opportunity to aerate the tee deck, mow it vertically, seed it, fertilize it and top-dress it. It's the best time of the year to grow grass and get it in perfect condition for the start of the 2024 season. Being proactive is essential for good, long-lasting results. Thank you for your understanding.

Lawn care at home

As a superintendent, I'm often asked for advice on lawn care at home. As fall approaches, our lawn may not be the first thing on our minds, but just like on the golf course, what we do now will come in handy come spring. Here are a few tips I'd like to share.

Keep mowing

Keep mowing your lawn as needed. For the last mowing of the season before winter, reduce the height of the mower blade to 2 to 2.5 inches. This allows sunlight to reach the crown of the plant, and fewer leaves will turn brown over the winter. When lowering the blade height, remember that the rule is never to cut more than a third of the grass blade at a time. Depending on the height of your lawn, you may need to gradually lower the blade height.

Aerate the soil

For the same reasons that we aerate greens, tees and fairways on golf courses, it's important to aerate your lawn. This allows oxygen, water and fertilizers to reach the roots. It's easy to rent a gas-powered aerator, or hire someone to do it for you.

Rake the leaves

It's important to remove falling leaves, either by raking them up, or with a lawnmower fitted with a vacuum or bagging system. Leaving leaves to pile up and get wet from rain and morning dew suffocates the lawn through lack of oxygen and encourages fungal diseases.


It's important to apply fertilizer to your lawn in mid-to-late autumn. Leaf blade growth has slowed, but roots and rhizomes (horizontal stems below the surface) continue to grow at a faster rate. This application gives the plant the essential nutrients to develop deep, healthy roots and to have nutrient reserves for the spring.

Fill in bald spots

Using a garden rake, loosen the soil in bald areas, then fill with an all-in-one mixture of lawn repair or potting soil and seed. Spread in a thick layer, then compact lightly and water thoroughly. Continue watering every other day for two weeks.


Future maintenance

- Continue project on advanced tee boxes (Le Maître)

- Cleaning lake surrounds (La Bête)

- Aeration of fairways (Le Maître)


Marc-André Doré,

Course Superintendent