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12 JUL 2024

In addition to the day-to-day upkeep of the courses, we have undertaken a number of small projects. A dozen skids of sod were installed. The sod was laid at the entrance to the Le Maitre golf course, in the practice area. The #4 sand trap was modified for better maintenance and playability. Sand will be added to several bunkers near the greens once we have verified the drainage, cleaned the edges and removed some of the accumulated contaminated sand.  

The #16 tee box at La Bête has been re-turfed.  Grubs and skunks had their way with the existing turf and had made our tee box unplayable. Both courses will be treated next week.  

Disease outbreaks 

The weather over the past few days has been a perfect cocktail for fungal diseases.  

The appearance of disease on greens, fringes and approaches will require the application of fungicides to control these pathogens.  

What is a disease?  

A turfgrass plant is healthy when it fully performs its physiological functions in interaction with its environment. Germination, growth, photosynthesis, rooting, water and nutrient uptake. Disease is a disturbance caused by a pathogenic organism.  

The three elements required to cause disease in turfgrass are :  

- The host (turf)  

- The pathogenic organism (fungus)  

- An environment favorable to fungal growth and unfavorable to turf physiology.  


Conditions favoring the development of diseases are :  

- Duration of humidity on foliage  

- Low or high temperatures  

- Air circulation  

- Poor soil conditions  

The disease currently present is called Dollar Spot.   

The week in pictures:

Turf1.jpg (4032×3024)

 Turf2.jpg (4032×3024)

Turf4.jpg (4032×3024)


Turf6.jpg (4032×3024)

Turf6.jpg (4032×3024)

Turf7.jpg (1920×969)

Turf8.jpg (1920×969)

Maintenance to come. 

  • Grub treatment 
  • Hydro-seeding (Beast) 
  • Drainage work 

MAD.jpg (3147×1828)

Marc-André Doré 

Golf course superintendent